Saturday, February 27, 2010

Ob-la-di, ob-la-da...

Now that I'm in the second trimester, we're publicly announcing that we're pregnant again. Not that we were very good at keeping it secret. Anyway, I'm due September 3rd. Yes, that is very, very close - Elliot and #2 will be 18 months apart. It'll be hard for a while, sure, but we can handle it. We like babies in this family.

And not that my last pregnancy was all that strenuous, but I think this one has been easier overall. I have my good days and my bad days, and Andy says I'm more tired. Maybe it just seems like it's going faster, and that makes it easier.

We were at a crazy emotional point in our lives at this time last year. We had started to hear back from grad schools. Elliot was born in the middle of March. Then at the end of March, we found out within a matter of days that we didn't get into our last-hope grad school and that Elliot had hearing loss. That was a hard week. The end of February is also the anniversary of my cousin Preston's death. I can't take credit for being close to him - I hadn't seen him for maybe ten years - but I went and stayed with his family in Tennessee for a little while, and it changed my life. This is where Elliot's middle name comes from.

Well this year, Andy applied to 12 schools. He's been accepted to two so far - one in Canada and one in Utah. I'm so thrilled for him, and for our family, and for whatever comes next.

Crazy adventures all the time.

3 reason(s) to click here:

Holly K said...

I don't have anything to say in particular. I just like you and your blog. *hug*

Jul said...

Congratulations!! :)

Shelly said...

YAY for having another baby!